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MiG-21 in Polish service exclusive edition All



The number 001 in the ModelMaker catalog was a decal dedicated to the MiG-21bis in Polish service. Most of the subsequent sets 003, 004, 006, 008, 012 etc. also. The MiG-21 plane has always been my favorite. Used in Poland in a large number of copies and versions at many air force bases, it has many more and less known, larger and smaller color accents. When the first decals for the Polish MiG-21 were sold out, I decided not to reissue them. Thanks to the people I met, I was able to verify a large part of my knowledge and at the same time expand it significantly. It was then that the idea arose to publish a "super decal" dedicated to this plane in Polish service. The first version of it looked like this:


There was an idea to issue it with a publication discussing the history of the color of this aircraft. The first such publication, as some of you remember, was issued by us together with LAF Aeromax on the Mi-2. Unfortunately, this project did not meet with a warm reception on the market and we decided that such publications combined with decal do not exist.

However, I was not going to give up on the "super decal" itself. Too much work, mine and many others, has been put into it. I decided to divide the set. Not for individual versions, as it was in the first sets, but for conventional districts containing several airports.

We wrote about this HERE and HERE.

A lot of water has passed again in Parsęta (the river in our city). At that time, we received more materials, in the meantime, I drew a bit of different emblems and elements that were missing, the sets grew. Today I can confidently say that the work is almost finished and I can show you the first screenshots of all six sets.

D..149 MiG-21 in Polish service exclusive edition part 0 Insignia


The basic set includes number templates typical for most airplanes after renovation and the most popular versions of chessboards. This set will also be added to each subsequent part, hence the number "0"

D..150 MiG-21 in Polish service Exclusive edition part I


You have already seen this and the next one, but it contains a few changes and is dedicated to the airports of Powidz, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Sochaczew and Modlin

D..151 MiG-21 in Polish service exclusive edition part II


The set dedicated to the Babie Doły airport also includes new elements.

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Here we have a set of planes from the airports of Goleniów, Świdwin, Zegrze Pomorskie, Malbork and Debrzno

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In all about only one airport, Poznań-Krzesiny

D..154 MiG-21 in Polish service exclusive edition part V


For Łask, Wrocław  and Katowice-Mierzęcice

At this point, I am asking you for help. We have already processed a lot of material, but we realize that we could have missed something, a mistake may have sneaked in somewhere. We would like these sets to be as complete as possible, if they have any comments, notices or any materials showing emblems, unusual typefaces of numbers, we will gladly add them to our sets.

That's it for today. kits for the tiger MiG-21UM are still under development, the first drafts of which will be shown soon.

Best Regards

Filip Jereczek with ModelMaker Team

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