in last days we add to stock:
D..136 F-16A/AM/B/BM in Portuquese service - generic set in 1/72 and 1/48
and D..129 Pe-2 in Polish service also in 1/72 and 1/48
Here is a short note. The set was created in cooperation with the Stratus/MMP Books, with the help of the material contained in Polish Wings 26. In this case, for the first time, we revised ourselves to make decals for painting, where it is not always possible to determine the full look of camouflage stains, which is why some paintings do not include upper drawnings in the instructions. We decided that aborting drawings by the nature of S-F would be a falsification of history and left it to the creativity of the modeler, while hoping that in the future we might be able to complete them.
In addition, we have reprinted several sets while remaining on the subject of news :)
D48034 Portuguese F-16 NTM 2011 in 1/48
and in 1/72:
D72049 Il-2/10 in Polish service
D72050 Yak-1/7/9 in Polish service vol.2
More news in the coming weeks
D..126 Greek F-16 NATO Tiger Meet 2018
both in 1/48 and 1/72
We know that You still wait for F-16 ZEUS DEMO TEAM.
We hope that the first not a big series will be available next week. Unfortunately, we are waiting for the next supply of resins that should arrive tomorrow, which will allow us to send the last ten outstanding preorder orders from the end of May.
We will keep you updated.
Best regards
ModelMaker Team