The long-awaited and announced by us kit for the amazing paint job of the Belgian F-16 X Tiger is now in print. After the vicissitudes of waiting for the new F-16 from Kinetica to appear, we managed to finish this project.
There is no denying that it was one of the most difficult projects to draw in the history of the company. The set in 1/72 scale is an A4 sheet, while in 1/48 scale it is almost two A4 sheets. We hope it will meet your expectations. It should be available for sale at the end of July, which we will of course write about ;)
We invite you to shop soon
D..179 Belgian F-16 THE X TIGER
You have often asked us about the 1/32 scale, so we would like to inform you that a set of masks + decals will be released in this scale as we usually do with those big models, but we still need some time to develop a set of masks. We hope to make it by the fall.
Next week, a handful of more information about news and announcements, backlogs and problems.
That's all for today
Best regards
ModelMaker Team