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News and previews ModelMaker and Attack Squadron All



Last weekend at the VI Model Show in Lask we premiered an unique set:

Archeo Lask Colection, decal dedicated aircraft from the collection of Archeo (, today we introduce it to the regular sales.


In addition to the sale returned set D48025 MiG-17/Lim-5/6 in Polish service vol.1


At the end of September to the sale will go another two sets:

D..075 Caudrone-Renault CR-714 Cyclone in Polish service


and D..070 Potuguese F-16A 50 Years of BA5 Monte Real Air Base


Another announcement decals from ModelMaker is a Spanish F/A-18. In preparation are three sets, and thats first two of them:

D72089 F/A-18 SPAIN STANDARD MARKINGS + STENCILS basic set includes stenciling and all the basic markings.


and D72090 SPAIN F/A-18 30 YEARS OF ALA 15 - NATO TIGER MEET 2016 wherein the basic set is added to it,.


In addition, we supplemented already news offer from Attack Squadron, among other things, some interesting sets for MiG-29, and especialy the sensational Upgrade for Polish MiG-29 after modernization in 1/72 and 1/48 scale, a perfect addition to the decal  D..056 MiG-29 "40" Witold Urbanowicz

Kalkomanie Kalkomanie

Staying with the MiG-29, we will soon finish work on the Polish stenciling and show the next set for this planes  in Polish sevice.

Best Regards

ModelMaker Team

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