Since the Tiger Su-22 is already in print, which you can read about HERE t
we can deal with the announcements for this year.
Today we are throwing you a handful of topics that are in development, noting that this is not all we are preparing
We are also planning some reprints and here's a hot request, write to us what sets we should resume.
Let's start with the backlog
You are asking about the MiG-21 series in Polish service - exclusive edition, which we wrote about HERE.
We are slowly preparing it for printing in the so-called "meanwhile" and unfortunately it will take a while because the sets contain a lot of elements, most of which require verification, corrections or sometimes drawing again, give us some more time, we hope that in the sumer we will be able to to write something more specific on this topic, and so we are also planning Tiger MiG-21UM and maybe even they will come out before the main sets.
Another overdue set is
D72169 Avro Lancaster in Polish service part II
This set for a change will be released soon, because together with Tiger Su-22 we are printing the missing elements :)
The next one that is currently awaiting implementation is a set
D..179 Belgian F-16 THE X TIGER
Writing these words around Wednesday, we were pleased to write that we are still waiting and hunting for the new F-16 model from Kinetic... and it turned out to be a miracle :) On Friday the model appeared in Poland! Next week it will be with us and it will be the first thing we will make up for, and we want to premiere it at the Moson Model Show. We invite you to our stand.
By the way, we also decided to release this set as masks + decals in 1/32 scale
For the same reason, we will return to one more Belgian
D..186 Belgian F-16 30th OCU anniversary
And this set will probably be released in the spring.
Moving on to future projects, the first novelty this year will be:
For a long time we have been thinking about the old DEMO of Europe paint schemes, and after the release of the Belgian Comet, this is the next one, whether they will be popular among you depends on whether we will continue this line
We are working on another Belgian F-16, a set of squadron emblems
D..175 Belgian F-16 Squadrons GENERIC SET
This set is still in development and we hope that we will be able to finish the work in the spring, we will also be happy to accept your help in the form of photos, it will make our work much easier.
This is not the end of Belgian aviation in our offer, be patient, more announcements coming soon ;)
Staying with the F-16, now we return to our Greek friends and thanks to the help of the project's author, another Tiger will appear in our offer
D..128 Greek F-16 Nato Tiger Meet 2016
We also do not forget about our German colleagues, another F-104 set is close to completion
D..188 German F-104G MFG2 „Vikings” DEMO TEAM
And this is not our last word on the F-104 this year ;)
Coming full circle around Europe, we return to Poland
Last year, the operation of the TS-11 Iskra aircraft in the Polish military aviation ended. It's a bit sad that it didn't take place in the right setting, because it was probably the last such Polish construction that was used in the army, and we probably don't need to describe its merits to anyone.
On this occasion, there was a plan to release this set, unfortunately it did not work out and we are now returning to the topic
At the moment we have decided to release 1/72 scale, maybe in some form, with time it will also be 1/48, but we make no promises. There is also an appeal to you, because we would also like to include elements for the older painting, unfortunately we lack materials, in particular the first emblem painted under the cabin. This will allow, among other things, to perform a broken "5"
So much for today. This is not all that is in development, because we will also reveal that we are developing new sets for Polish aces, which we will write more about in a while ;)
We hope you like it.
Finally, one more important thing
From today until the end of February we are on vacation and we will not be contacted. We will continue to ship orders from the first of March.
Best regards
Model Maker team